Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Primary Interaction 1999


Has it been 10 years already? I was only 20 years old when that crazy night occurred - and with the exception of the birth of my son 2 years ago - nothing has truly shocked me since then. I was down in the Phoenix area only 2 days ago, and again I paid witness to the splendor of the Superstition Mountains and it's surrounding areas. Again, I was mesmerized by it's ancient beauty and the untold secrets the eons have laid encrypted. I will always be a son to this strange landscape and I will never forget the dialogue we shared that night encased within the stars. It was destiny that brought us all together - Jason, Jacob, myself, and the Star People. They came from a place that defied imagination. They possessed technologies that, in the interpretation of Arthur C. Clarke, appeared as magic. So-called "Greys" and giant Humanoid aliens working together on a mission of science and observational research. Were we summoned there to that place deep within the mountains to interact with these beings of such advanced substance, intellect, and spirit? Or was it an accident or coincidence? I believe that this Primary Interaction went far beyond being mere happenstance. I remember that I was only a child in comparison to the elements of the Galaxy that I was so encompassed, and my farthest thoughts only hinted to the possibility of the true "alien" reality that existed. I am humbled that they chose us to display their marvel and universal awareness. That they would encounter us and communicate with us in such a divine way that perhaps Ezekiel and Elijah once knew. To witness such advanced spacecraft and to see what the so-called "Grey" truly appeared as...

I will share this - the "Grey" only appears grey because the normal human eye can not perceive the true color or pigmentation of this type of Star Being. The human eye can only observe a very finite spectrum of the reality that surrounds it. For example, normally a Earth-born human can not see into X-ray or Ultraviolet or Infrared spectrums without the aid of FLIR or similar devices. However, if somehow you could see the "Grey" in their true form, they would appear as if their skin was made of quicksilver or mercury. Highly reflective and shiny. It is difficult to explain or compare to something because nothing on Earth is really like it. Perhaps it is hyper-dimensional in nature. The only reason why I know of it firsthand is because of their communication telepathically. I could "see" them in my mind. Through the mind bypasses the eyeball and you can see higher facets of universal reality that we are truly encompassed within.

In the great octagonal ships I witnessed two of this type that night. Aboard these ships it seemed that it had only one occupant aboard each vessel. In fact the other saucer type ships also only appeared to have one being on board but I am unable to confirm this. I am unable to confirm that only one humanoid occupied the octagonal craft as well, but this what they had expressed to all three of us that night. Personally, I am assured by their openness. The other type of being, the giant humanoids, appear much as we do. Only I had the sense that they were much taller. I may be wrong in this observation - but I don't feel that I am. I think that I am right on point about this. They were very tall as compared to contemporary human beings on the planet Earth. From what I could assimilate, a 6 foot + male human (such as myself), would only go up to about knee or lower thigh area. I did NOT encounter these beings in a Fourth Kind encounter - I did not physically see them, only their ships. You must understand that their power of consciousness far exceeds our own. What they can communicate to you mentally far out compasses what our limited speech can express. The octagonal ship that flew over us that night held this type of being. He wore a black cape that somehow reflected or emanated various star systems all across its physical material. They wanted us to come with them. But, and I have always regretted this since then - we as a group felt as if we were not ready. It was just too much at once.

I just wanted to share this - 10 years later - because i feel that it is important. Not because this is the first time that this happened - it is NOT. But because not many people have revealed such encounters - I wish I could reveal more of this encounter, and I will when time allows it - and it not pressing for me to prove it to be authentic. They will reveal themselves to this planetary audience when the time is right - and perhaps millions of people like me will be vindicated.

I know that this time is soon...

This is the official report I had made to NUFORC after I had collected myself and you can find it at

National UFO Reporting Center
Sighting Report
Occurred : 10/19/1999 22:00 (Entered as : 10/19/99 22:00)
Reported: 2/22/2001 13:26
Posted: 2/24/2001
Location: Apache Junction (east of), AZ
Shape: Other
Duration:5-8 hours
A group of three encounter a formation of 10-12 ships that interacted with the group, and made close visual inspection possible.

We were east of Phoenix, AZ in a place near the Superstition Mountains called Canyon Lake. We arrived at an observation point that included a small parking lot and a roofed scenic looking area. It oversaw Canyon Lake and its surrounding mountains. We all proceeded to leave the vehicle and stepped out to the railing that protected one from a fall down the observation point's steep rocky terrain. It was a very clear night with no wind. It was warm enough where you would not need a jacket. We then began looking towards the horizon line above the mountains where we noticed a formation of lights that encircled the canyon area. Some of them were actually inside of the canyon. We didn't say much at first because they were about a 1/2 mile to a mile away - shape and dimension were lost especially at night time. We then pointed them out to each other speculating as to the nature of these lights. Helicopters? Airplanes? There is after all an airport due west in Phoenix about 30-50 miles away. We slowly began to realize that these UFOs were not moving in any conventional manner. We counted from between 10 to 12 of these objects. And they began moving in a westerly direction right towards us. The closer they got the more detail we could interpret. Some of the craft appeared to be "scanning" the ground below with a white light beam and thats when we realized exactly what we were looking at. There appeared to be about 10-11 "disc/saucer" type craft and one or two "flagship" type craft. One ship appeared to our right and we could make out its very large size and the fact that it did not make ANY noise whatsoever. This was one of the flagship type. It was large, football field size, octogonal with a series of lights (white, blue and red) that went at differing patterns on the bottom and sides of the ship. The craft underneath was whitish/tanish and the foreward area was very dark and shaped like a "boomerang". (My speculation is that it protects the ship through high radiation activities and is! dark be cause it is thick lead plating.) It had several compartments underneath and a "command" area of some sort. It had no markings of insignias. It moved 20-35 MPH and soon disappeared behind some mountains. We became shocked into a half fear half awe state. Another ship may have noticed this and came up from behind a "Prudential" looking mountain and emitted a blue light beam at us. It then generated a great wind or force of some sort that coupled with the blue light had a very calming effect on us. It seemed to energize us and we could feel our "chi-energy" accelerate. We began doing "tai-chi" type physical movements while they seemed to communicate with us telepathically. The images and messages to seemed to be sharing with us we later verified the same experiences. It then stopped after about perhaps 5-10 minutes. Then another ship that appeared to be "scanning" to the left of us stopped its strobing light beam, elevated and turned towards us very deliberately. It began moving at us and we proceeded to reenter our car. It slowly came right over our car. We rolled down our windows and studied it while it went past. This description matches the flagship from above. Definitely octagonal with a series of lights and ducts or compartment passageways evident underneath with a "command" center complete with "boomerang" shaped forward area. And again it made absolutely no sound. Somesort of anti-gravity drive to be sure. Our car was not on and we had no other electronical devices so performance interference was not monitored. It then went behind us and disappeared behind some mountains in the east. The other remaining craft all slowly disappeared before sunrise. We explored the areas that we could access and found no traces of their visit. Perhaps they were searching for a mineral or have a base nearby. Maybe they were sightseeing. We KNOW they were NOT any terrestrial technologies responsible for these ships. We returned every weekend after and experienced many more UFO encounters but have ! never th ought to bring a camera and two of us no longer live in the area.

((NUFORC Note: Report seems to be serious-minded. Witness identifies himself. PD))